Design a form for document template

The Template Editor features an advanced form designer that you can utilize to enhance your document template's form which will be displayed to workspace members when they use the template to create new documents.

Switch to Form designer in document template editor
Switch to Form designer in document template editor

To design template document form go to the Form designer view in Template editor:

  • Go to workspace Home screen and locate the template you would like to edit.
  • Click on the three dots button on the right side of the template and in the menu select Template editor. Alternatively, you can also open the template and click on the Open Template Editor button.
  • In the Template editor click on Form designer tab in the tabs bar.

Form field settings

In the form designer, all the merge fields from the template will be displayed as form fields. You can select any of these form fields, which will prompt a Settings sidebar to slide in from the right side of your screen. This sidebar is where you can adjust various options for the selected form field.

Form designer
Form designer

Choose form field data type

A form field will maintain the same data type as the merge field. Therefore, any changes made to the data type will be reflected in the merge field. You have the option to choose from one of the following data types:

  • Text data type is utilized for storing alphanumeric characters. It can encompass letters, numbers, spaces, symbols, and the like.
  • Multiline text refers to a data type capable of accommodating more than one line of text; examples include a paragraph or a sequence of sentences.
  • Number data type represents whole numbers or integers without decimal points.
  • Decimal data type, on the other hand, is utilized to represent real numbers, comprising integers, fractions, and decimals that can either be positive or negative.
  • Date data type symbolizes a day, month, and year. Users can select the date through a date-picker tool.
  • "Choose from list" data type refers to a mode of data input where users can select one or more choices from a provided dropdown list.
  • Data object data type refers to a specific data structure or object able to contain all the aforementioned data types in a highly structured and orderly fashion.

Form field options

Form field options and settings
Form field options and settings

You can set the following options for the form field:

  • Label is a descriptive text placed above a form input field to indicate what information should be entered in the form. If you enable and set form field label, the name of the merge field will stay the same.
  • Description is a brief explanation or note that provides additional information or instruction about a specific form field.
  • Required option, if enabled, indicates form field must be filled in by the user before the form can be successfully submitted.
  • Multiple values enables user to enter multiple values of the same form field.
  • Autocomplete option specifies that any form field input by a user will be saved and automatically filled out when they create a new document using the same template. It's important to note that these prefilled values are only visible to the user who entered them.
  • Default value is a pre-set value for a specific field in a form. If a user doesn't enter their own data into that particular field, the default value is submitted as the form field's input.

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