Edit merge fields in the Template editor

When you upload a document to WordFields, you will be directed to the Template Editor. Here, a simplified textual preview of the template is displayed in the Merge fields view. This view allows you to identify and mark merge fields on the template.

To go to the Merge fields view in Template editor follow this steps:

  • Go to workspace Home screen and locate the template you would like to edit.
  • Click on the three dots button on the right side of the template and in the menu select Template editor.
  • Alternatively, you can also open the template and click on the Open Template Editor button.

Template editor is going to load with Merge fields view already selected in the tabs bar.

Add merge fields to the document template

Adding a merge field to the template is straightforward. First, select a part of the text you want to convert into a merge field. For instance, if you have a statement like this in your template:

This agreement is made and entered into by and between Acme Corp. and ...

... select the "Acme Corp." part of the text using your mouse text cursor.

A settings sidebar will slide in from the right side of the screen. Enter the name of this merge field, such as "Company", into the focused input box, and then click on the Done button.

Enter new merge field name or select it from the list
Enter new merge field name or select it from the list

That's all you need to do to create a merge field. If you navigate to the Form designer tab, you should see that a new input field named "Company" has been added. When later users are going to create a new document using this document form any occurrence of the "Company" merge field in the document will be replaced with the value inputted by the user.

Change the data type of the merge field

You can choose the type of data that can be inputted for a merge field. To modify the data type of a merge field, follow these steps:

  1. In the Template editor Merge field view click on the desired merge field.
  2. In the Settings sidebar click on the Data type select and choose the data type from the list.
Select the type of the merge field
Select the type of the merge field

WordFields templates support the following types of merge fields:

  • Text is a type of data used to store alphanumeric characters. It can include any characters such as letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols.
  • Multiline text refers to a data type that can hold more than one line of text, such as a paragraph or list of sentences.
  • Number data type refers to the representation and handling of whole numbers without decimal points - integers.
  • Decimal data type is a type of data that is used to represent real numbers. It includes the integers, fractions, and decimals which can be positive or negative.
  • Date represent a day, month and a year. User will be able to choose the date using the date picker.
  • Choose from list data type refers to a type of data input where the user selects one or more options from a given dropdown list.
  • Data object data type refers to a type of data structure or object that can hold all the above mentioned types of data in a structured and organized manner.

Choose the formatting for the merge field

For data types other than text, you can specify the formatting of the replacement text in the merge field. To do this, select the desired merge field in the template. Afterwards, in the Settings sidebar, choose your preferred format option from a dropdown list.

Select a date format for merge field
Select a date format for a merge field

Rename merge field

To rename a merge field do the following:

  1. Select a merge field to rename it.
  2. Click on the Rename in the top toolbar in the Settings sidebar.
  3. Enter a new name for the merge field and click on Rename button.

Delete merge field

Remove or rename a merge field
Remove or rename a merge field

To delete a merge field select it and then click on Remove in the top toolbar in the Settings sidebar. Alternatively, you can choose a merge field and press the Delete key.

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