Manage user groups

User groups are a list of members that can be modified at any time. User groups are a great way to set who can access specific document templates in the workspace. For example when setting permission on the document template you should assign a group instead of individual users so that you can easily change user permission on multiple document templates at once by removing or adding members to a user group.

Note: You will need to have an owner or administrator role to manage workspace user groups.

Create a new user group

Create a user group in workspace
Create a user group in workspace
  1. In the upper-right corner of top navigation click the cogwheel icon.
  2. On the workspace settings page click on the Groups tab.
  3. On the Groups screen click on the Create group button.
  4. On the right side enter the name of the new user group and click on Create button.

Manage members of the user group

To set members for a specific group, go to the Groups screen and find the group you would like to manage. Then, click on the Members link located next to the group's name.

List of user groups in workspace
List of user groups in workspace

To add a member click on the Add member button.

List of members in a user group
List of members in a user group
  1. In a dialog select a member from the list in the dropdown.
  2. Click on Add button to add selected member to the group.
  3. A new member is now added to the group's list of members.

Remove members from the group

To remove a member from the group, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Group screen.
  2. Locate the member you want to remove.
  3. Click on the Remove button located on the right side next to the member's profile.
  4. Note that you can add the member back to the group members list at any time.

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