Reset your password

Forgot your password? Keep reading to discover the steps to log back into WordFields.

Note: In order to reset a password, you must have access to the email inbox connected to your WordFields account.

Reset your password

Reset your password dialog

  1. Visit
  2. Click on the Forgot password? link right under the email address input.
  3. On the password reset screen enter your email address associated with your WordFields account and click on Send password reset email.
  4. Check your inbox for an email from WordFields with a link to a site where you can change your password. Also check you spam folder just in case if you don't receive an email after 5 minutes.
  5. Click on the link in the email and it will direct you to the Change your password screen.
  6. Enter email address you've used to get the link and your new password. You'll also need to retype your new password. When done, click on Reset password.
  7. You should now be able to sign in with your new password.

Change Your Password

Change your password while logged in

If you are already signed in you can change your password on your account page.

  1. In the upper-right-hand corner of top navigation, select icon with your initials.
  2. Click on My account in the menu.
  3. You are now redirected to your account page.
  4. Click on the Change password and enter email address associated with your WordFields account then follow the same instructions as above.

I did not get a password reset email?

Have you checked your spam or junk folder for the password reset email? If you are unable to locate any emails from WordFields in your inbox, you might consult with your company's IT department to whitelist or authorize emails from and

I did not set a password before

If a password was not selected during the account creation process for WordFields (e.g., if you registered using a Google or Microsoft account), you can request a password reset in order to setup a password for your account.

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