Types of roles in WordFields

In WordFields, roles dictate the visibility and functionality available to individuals:

  • Administrative roles are specifically designated for individuals responsible for account and settings management, and for setting up and managing document templates within WordFields.
  • Non-administrative roles enable individuals to access specified document templates and create new documents.

User roles in WordFields

Here is a list of the roles available in WordFields workspace:


There is only one Owner in a WordFields workspace who possesses the authority to delete the workspace, transfer ownership to another individual and to add or remove administrators.


Owner or super admin can assign Workspace Admins. These admins can manage workspace settings, add and manage document template, however, they are restricted from accessing the billing page or modifying billing information.


This users have access to use features in WordFields workspace, except for those that are limited to only owner and admins.

We will be releasing more roles in the future. Keep an eye out!

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