Getting started for workspace creators

A WordFields workspace is a single place for your team's document templates.

Customizing workspace

As a space creator in WordFields, you will hold the Primary Owner role. You will have access to customization settings so you can personalize the space for yourself and your team. These settings can be accessed by clicking on the Settings icon located at the right corner of the Top Navigation.

For an overview of all the available settings options, read about workspace customization.

Create your first document template

Workspace administrator can create a new template
Workspace administrators can create a new template

After customizing your workspace, you can start creating a document template. Go to the Home Screen and click on the button "Create template" located to the right of the workspace name. This will take you to the screen where you'll need to upload a document that you would like to turn into a template.

Create a new template based on existing document

We suggest starting with templates for business letters, meeting minutes, and training or trip reports as your initial options. Afterwards, you can gradually add templates for various contracts and agreements such as Non-Disclosure Agreements, Employment Agreements, Consulting Agreements, and more.

Invite people and get them up to speed

Upon completing the initial setup of your workspace and incorporating document templates, it is now time to invite your colleagues and acquaint them with WordFields. To facilitate a seamless beginning, we recommend following these tasks to efficiently onboard your coworkers.

  • Use this customizable template to introduce WordFields to your team. If your team already has a communication plan in place, remember to include a link to our quick start guide.
  • Familiarize yourself with the types of roles in WordFields and identify individuals within your team that you trust to become Workspace Admins. These Admins will assist with administrative responsibilities that will help onboard the rest of the team smoothly.
  • Don't forget to invite your team members to join your workspace! You can find the "Invite people to" option in the workspace menu or refer to our guide on inviting new members to your workspace for further instructions.

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